Saturday 8 September 2007

Smashed Ideology

I'm searching for the truth.

I thought we were all on the same path.

There only is one path forward, and that is via the truth.

We might travel by different ways, approaching our own destinations, but essentially,

At the end,

Our goals are the same.... Aren't they?

Don't we each find our own truth. But truth none the less?

I'm so lost and confused now. Why is my goal for the truth considered childish? Why do what we do if you don't seek the truth?

Thursday 6 September 2007

Streaks of Grey

I'm standing there, watching. I blink back.

The streaks of grey keep on sneaking. When did they first arrive?

I've already forgotten.

One hair

Two hairs..... Three hairs, more hairs.

Each one comes with a woe, how many things do we wish we could leave behind?

I close my eyes. Do I remember what I want any more?

Do they remember?

It's best if you don't look, what you can't see can't hurt you.
Or so I'm lead to believe.